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Why look to your face for answers?

Our inherent nature is expressed in our facial architecture so distinctly, interest  has been around and evolving for millennia as the science of behavioural genetics, phrenology, physiognomy and personology we know today. It’s all face reading of some kind and can detail how our genetic expression and responses to our environment show up in our facial structure. 


Passed down through the ages, face reading has survived and thrived over millennia. Like all great tried and true art forms of insight and inquiry into the Self, it is as relevant today as it was in the beginning. The oldest known studies date back to ancient China and India around 3000BC, ancient Greeks were avid scholars coining the term ‘know thyself’. Ancient Romans found it an honourable profession, and in medieval times you could find it in surviving Arab and Jewish texts. The Christian church threatened severe punishment for anyone claiming to have knowledge about it and by the 1700’s it had been totally outlawed. This didn’t stop the likes of Shakespeare using the concepts in his work. Michelangelo, Da Vinci and others adopted, studied and developed their knowledge in the field albeit under the radar to avoid being labelled witches and burnt at the stake. You can still see it in traditional Japanese theatre.  


No matter where we come from, we all express aspects of our genetic inheritances in our face. Our facial structure predisposes us to particular behavioural patterns in health, relationships, under stress, and display our potential strengths and weaknesses. Our inherent facial structure speaks volumes to how our personality is expressed and what behaviours are aroused in relation to others and our environment. That said, your face is not a set map to your nature, but a permeable territory that can always change in addition to your free will to choose to act and express your Self. Having a face reading is not being given a finite view of who you are, but rather a present day snap shot of where you are at and your current potential. And our faces change over time becoming more or less one way or another. 

Individual Reading - Know Thyself
Get to know yourself more, the unique and singularness of your personality and it’s expression in life and determine potential unknowns such as:

😎  your strengths & susceptibilities
😫 inherent communication style, what stresses you about others styles and how to defuse them with a more powerful self respect approach to your communication
🤧  what health predispositions and potentials you have inherited
🤑  how you handle money
🤪  how busy your mind can be
😌  whether you're better suited to service or managerial work
Individual report $98
Relationship Readings - Connection & communication dynamics for family, friends, partners, lovers, colleagues or others
Become more conscious of what is inherent in both of you that creates the most harmony and eases any communication & connection challenges in your relating. The purpose of these non-judgemental comparisons is to improve understanding, expand your collective insight & awareness around aspects such as:

😁  differences & complements 
😲  what may be mirrored between you
😵  shadow aspects we may unconsciously seek to unveil 
🤐  emotional & stress behaviours 
🤬  communication styles & it's stressors
Relationship report $197

Online & in-person readings comes with a detailed report covering 17 traits of the face such as shape, forehead attributes, shape of your jaw, eyes, eyebrows, lips, mouth ears and nose.

How to order your personalised report

Send an email introducing yourself and indicating what kind of face reading your are interested in. 


Individual or relationship? 

And any questions you have. Once in touch, you will be directed to supply clear, well lit photos of face(s) just like mug shots. 

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