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Illuminate your heart and mind with St John’s Wort, Devil’s Scourge, The Grace of God, Witches Herb, Demon Chaser, Touch and Heal, Light Bringer


A brilliant remedy for depressive states bringing the light energy and warmth of the sun into the mind and physical body. Highly recommended for those who experience SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Burning away darkness and inviting in more hope, light-heartedness, comfort, buoyancy, cheer and inspiration.


Long considered a highly effective remedy both internally and externally. As an antiseptic, wound healer, stimulate blood flow, minor burns, nourish nerve tissue & soothe muscular and nerve pain, can help mineralise and simulate growth of bone and muscle. 


Strongly associated with the archetypal force of the Sun and so energetically warming and illuminating. Believed to provide special protection, especially during the summer months when we can be overly effected by heat and light, it can also sooth the effects of too much light/heat like sunburn too. 


As a photosynthesising substance there are differing views as to how cafreful we need to be in regards to sun exposure. Some say it protects against it, others say it enhances it.  So, be aware and perhaps test a patch of skin for yourself in the safest way.  


Usage: Anoint any part of the body.  Apply during ritual or ceremony or wherever there is perceived stagnation or pain.





I come into direct contact with my essential Self

I learn to shine my Truth out into the world I inhabit & serve

My essence is warm and light

I reconnect with the essential parts of my Self as I release the darkness from my mind and send it to it’s rightful place in time and space

I recall confidence, Truth, purpose, power and connection

My spirit is lifted

My inner fire is rekindled

My inner sun is strengthened

I fan the flames of my consciousness as the darkness dissipates

I can now see the positives in every situation

I can now transform all challenges and struggles into learnings of Strength and Power

I face my inner demons with courage, confidence and light

The light of my consciousness reveals my subconscious fears and long buried traumas in a safe and supportive way

The structural integrity of my astral body is healed

My vital life energy is protected from external forces

I am protected from the inside-out

I heal my wounds with the light of my essential Being

My Will is aligned with my Truth as I walk my path and live my purpose

I am a servant of the Light with the Power to positively impact the world

I anchor my Self in the Light, I anchor the Light within myself

Liquid Light - Organic Wild-crafted Hypericum Oil

GST Included |
  • Wild Hypericum Flower Resins (Hypericum Perofatum) & Organic Cold-pressed EV Olive Oil

    Store in a cool dark place

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